加拿大 NOC 2016 C D类职业名称 All Titles - 快出国

  • 1 商业、财务和行政职位 / Business, finance and administration occupations
1411C办公室支持工人General office support workers
1415C人事文员Personnel clerks
1416C书记员Court clerks
1422C数据录入员Data entry clerks
1423C桌面排版人员及相关职业Desktop publishing operators and related occupations
1431C会计及相关文员Accounting and related clerks
1432C工资办事员Payroll clerks
1434C银行,保险和其他财务人员Banking, insurance and other financial clerks
1451C图书馆助理和办事员Library assistants and clerks
1452C通信,出版和监管办事员Correspondence, publication and regulatory clerks
1454C调查采访和统计文员Survey interviewers and statistical clerks
1511C邮件,邮政及有关人员Mail, postal and related workers
1512C邮递员Letter carriers
1513C快递,速递和送货到门经销商Couriers, messengers and door-to-door distributors
1521C托运人和接收员Shippers and receivers
1522C仓库保管员Storekeepers and partspersons
1523C生产物流协调员Production logistics co-ordinators
1524C采购与库存控制工人Purchasing and inventory control workers
1526C交通路线和船员调度Transportation route and crew schedulers
  • 3 卫生职业 / Health occupations
3411C牙科助理Dental assistants
3413C护士助手,看护员和病人服务合作员Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
3414C其他协助职业卫生服务的支持Other assisting occupations in support of health services
  • 4 教育、法律和社会、社区和政府服务职业 / Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
4411C家庭儿童护理提供者Home child care providers
4412C家庭支持工人,管家和相关职业Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations
4413C小学和中学教师助理Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants
4421C警长和法警Sheriffs and bailiffs
4422C惩教服务人员Correctional service officers
4423C执法及其他监管人员,NECBy-law enforcement and other regulatory officers, n.e.c.
  • 6 销售和服务类职业 / Sales and service occupations
6411C销售和客户代表-批发业(非技术)Sales and account representatives-wholesale trade (non-technical)
6421C零售售货员Retail salespersons
6511C旅店老板Ma?tres d'h?tel and hosts/hostesses
6513C食品和饮料服务员Food and beverage servers
6521C旅游辅导员Travel counsellors
6522C事务长和飞行服务员Pursers and flight attendants
6523C机票和服务代理Airline ticket and service agents
6524C地面和水上运输票务代理,货运服务代表及相关文员Ground and water transport ticket agents, cargo service representatives and related clerks
6525C酒店前台文员Hotel front desk clerks
6531C旅行和旅游导游Tour and travel guides
6532C户外运动和娱乐导引员Outdoor sport and recreational guides
6533C赌场娱乐城职业Casino occupations
6541C安全警卫和相关安全服务的职业Security guards and related security service occupations
6551C客户服务代表-金融机构Customer services representatives-financial institutions
6552C其他客户和信息服务代表Other customer and information services representatives
6561C影像,社会和其他个人顾问Image, social and other personal consultants
6562C美学家,电蚀医师及相关职业Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
6563C宠物美容师和动物保健工作者Pet groomers and animal care workers
6564C其他个人服务行业Other personal service occupations
6621D服务站服务员Service station attendants
6622D商店货架储存器,管理员和订单取货Store shelf stockers, clerks and order fillers
6623D其他销售相关职业Other sales related occupations
6711D食品柜台服务员,厨房助手和相关支持职业Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
6721D支持职业住宿,旅游设施建立服务Support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up services
6722D运营商和服务员在娱乐,休闲和运动Operators and attendants in amusement, recreation and sport
6731D轻型清洁工Light duty cleaners
6732D专业清洁工Specialized cleaners
6733D门卫,管理员和建筑管理者Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
6741D干洗,洗衣及相关职业Dry cleaning, laundry and related occupations
6742D其他服务支持职业,n.e.c.Other service support occupations, n.e.c.
  • 7 贸易、运输和设备操作和相关的职业 / Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
7441C住宅和商业安装和服务商Residential and commercial installers and servicers
7442C水务和燃气维修工人Waterworks and gas maintenance workers
7444C害虫控制器和熏蒸Pest controllers and fumigators
7445C其他的维修和服务商Other repairers and servicers
7451C海岸工人Longshore workers
7452C材料处理程序Material handlers
7511C运输卡车司机Transport truck drivers
7512C巴士司机,地铁运营及其他交通营办商Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
7513C出租车和豪华轿车的司机和司机Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs
7514C交货和快递服务司机Delivery and courier service drivers
7521C重型设备操作员(除了起重机)Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
7522C公共工程维护设备操作人员及相关人员Public works maintenance equipment operators and related workers
7531C铁路堆场和养路工人Railway yard and track maintenance workers
7532C水上运输甲板和机房船员Water transport deck and engine room crew
7533C船和电缆渡轮营办商及相关行业Boat and cable ferry operators and related occupations
7534C航空运输坡道服务员Air transport ramp attendants
7535C其他汽车的机械安装和服务商Other automotive mechanical installers and servicers
7611D建筑行业佣工和劳动者Construction trades helpers and labourers
7612D其他行业佣工及劳动者Other trades helpers and labourers
7621D公共工程和维护劳动者Public works and maintenance labourers
7622D铁路和汽车运输工人Railway and motor transport labourers
  • 8 自然资源、农业及相关生产职业 / Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations
8411C地下矿山的服务和支持工人Underground mine service and support workers
8412C石油和天然气钻井及有关人员和服务运营商Oil and gas well drilling and related workers and services operators
8421C链锯,集材机运营商Chain saw and skidder operators
8422C林业和林业工人Silviculture and forestry workers
8431C一般农场工人General farm workers
8432C苗圃和温室工人Nursery and greenhouse workers
8441C渔船渔工Fishing vessel deckhands
8442C动物诱捕人员和猎人Trappers and hunters
8611D收割工人Harvesting labourers
8612D园林绿化和场地维护工人Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers
8613D水产养殖和海洋收获工人Aquaculture and marine harvest labourers
8614D煤矿工人Mine labourers
8615D石油和天然气钻探,服务费和相关工人Oil and gas drilling, servicing and related labourers
8616D测井和林业工人Logging and forestry labourers
  • 9 制造业和公用事业职业 / Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
9411C机床操作员,矿产和金属加工Machine operators, mineral and metal processing
9412C铸造工人Foundry workers
9413C玻璃成型和精加工机器操作员及玻璃切割机Glass forming and finishing machine operators and glass cutters
9414C混凝土,粘土和石材形成运营商Concrete, clay and stone forming operators
9415C矿物和金属加工检查人员和测试人员Inspectors and testers, mineral and metal processing
9416C金属加工和锻造机运营商Metalworking and forging machine operators
9417C加工工具运营商Machining tool operators
9418C其他金属制品机器操作员Other metal products machine operators
9421C化学厂机器经营者Chemical plant machine operators
9422C塑料加工机器操作员Plastics processing machine operators
9423C橡胶加工机器操作员及有关人员Rubber processing machine operators and related workers
9431C锯木厂机器操作员Sawmill machine operators
9432C纸浆厂的机器操作员Pulp mill machine operators
9433C造纸及后整理机器操作员Papermaking and finishing machine operators
9434C木材加工机器操作员Other wood processing machine operators
9435C纸转换机器操作员Paper converting machine operators
9436C木材平地机等木材加工检查员和判卷Lumber graders and other wood processing inspectors and graders
9437C木工机器操作员Woodworking machine operators
9441C纺织纤维和纱线,皮和毛皮加工的机器操作员及工人Textile fibre and yarn, hide and pelt processing machine operators and workers
9442C织布工,编织工和其他纺织类职业Weavers, knitters and other fabric making occupations
9445C面料,毛皮及皮革切割工Fabric, fur and leather cutters
9446C工业缝纫机经营Industrial sewing machine operators
9447C督察及平地机,纺织,面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造Inspectors and graders, textile, fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
9461C过程控制和机器操作员,食品,饮料及相关产品加工Process control and machine operators, food, beverage and associated products processing
9462C工业屠夫和切肉工,家禽肉类处理工及有关人员Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers
9463C鱼和海鲜工厂工人Fish and seafood plant workers
9465C食品,饮料及相关产品加工的测试人员和评级人员Testers and graders, food, beverage and associated products processing
9471C无铅板印刷设备经营者Plateless printing equipment operators
9472C相机,印前制版和其他职业Camera, platemaking and other prepress occupations
9473C装订和后整理机器操作员Binding and finishing machine operators
9474C摄影和电影处理器Photographic and film processors
9521C飞机装配和飞机装配检查员Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors
9522C汽车装配检查员和测试人员Motor vehicle assemblers, inspectors and testers
9523C电子装配,制造,检验人员和测试人员Electronics assemblers, fabricators, inspectors and testers
9524C汇编和督察,电器,仪器和设备的制造Assemblers and inspectors, electrical appliance, apparatus and equipment manufacturing
9525C工业电动机和变压器的制造商和检测人员Assemblers, fabricators and inspectors, industrial electrical motors and transformers
9526C机械装配和检验员Mechanical assemblers and inspectors
9527C机床操作员和检查员,电气设备制造业Machine operators and inspectors, electrical apparatus manufacturing
9531C艇装配和督察Boat assemblers and inspectors
9532C家具和灯具装配和检查员Furniture and fixture assemblers and inspectors
9533C其他木制品的装配和检查员Other wood products assemblers and inspectors
9534C家具修整工及翻修工Furniture finishers and refinishers
9535C塑料产品装配,选手和检查员Plastic products assemblers, finishers and inspectors
9536C工业画家,镀膜机,金属整理过程中运营商Industrial painters, coaters and metal finishing process operators
9537C其他产品的装配,选手和检查员Other products assemblers, finishers and inspectors
9611D矿产和金属加工Labourers in mineral and metal processing
9612D劳动者在金属加工工人Labourers in metal fabrication
9613D化工产品处理与公用事业工人Labourers in chemical products processing and utilities
9614D劳动力在木材,纸浆和纸加工工人Labourers in wood, pulp and paper processing
9615D在橡胶和塑料制品制造业工人Labourers in rubber and plastic products manufacturing
9616D纺织加工工人Labourers in textile processing
9617D食品,饮料及相关产品的加工工人Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing
9618D鱼类和海产品加工工人Labourers in fish and seafood processing
9619D其他加工,制造和公用事业工人Other labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities
